Projected Dreams
sermon based on Mark 12:38-44. Hear about the way Jesus invites us to see in a new way.
The Greatest Commandments
A sermon reflecting on Mark 12:28-34. We talk about how we "other" people and simplify their stories and how we also do that with ourselves. What could it look like to challenge the stories of ourselves and others. How can we work for the thriving of all people?
Serving Humanity
Sermon based on Mark 10:35-45 about serving others as Jesus calls us to do.
Holding the Tension
This sermon is based on the scripture Mark 10:17-31 and about holding the tensions in the story without quickly releasing the tension. May we let go of we need to let go of and receive what we need to receive.
Getting in our own way
A sermon sharing the many ways the Disciples stumbled as they tried to follow Jesus. Reflect on ways that we get in our own way as well and put up barriers to God's love. Hear the hope and trust that we can have in Jesus who continues to accompany us even as we stumble.
The Posture of Hope
Sermon based on Psalm 126:1-6. Hear about a moment of joy in the life of Israel and how memory can help us to continue to hope in God in our present circumstances.
A Reorienting Faith
Sermon on Psalm 40:1-10 about experiencing reorientation and new life through God's guidance and presence.
Trusting in God
Sermon on Psalm 27 about trusting in God even through difficult times. Elder Sylvia Laidig offers the sermon.
Bringing Laments to God
Sermon on Psalm 69:1-16 about bringing our heartbreak to God and staying open to the pain in the world.
Praising God and entering God's story
This is the second sermon on the Psalms and this focuses on praising God and who God is. The psalm for today is Psalm 113. Let's praise God together!
Depending on God
This is the first week of our Psalm Series. The sermon is on Psalm 1 and about the way we can learn to depend on God and that this way is never closed to us.
Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you
Sermon is based on Romans 15:1-7 and speaks about the importance of welcoming others as Christ has welcomed us. This was our celebration Sunday of becoming Open and Affirming to LGBTQ+ people.
Eating at Levi's
This sermon is based on the scripture Mark 2:13-22 and Jesus' calling of Levi, the tax collector.
On a quest together
Sermon about asking the difficult questions of faith and trusting that our God is not a fragile God
Higher Expectations
Sermon about what we expect from Jesus based on the scripture from John 6:24-35.