What We
about us
All are welcome to join us on Sunday’s at 10:00 am for worship. If you cant join us in person join us on Facebook Live. We also have adult Sunday School at 9:00 am and children’s Sunday School at 10:15 am.
Join us for a weekly Bible study on zoom. We study the scripture that will be the focus of the coming worship service. We read the scripture three times together and then open it up to discussion and questions. Here is the registration link: zoom link
Join us for our annual chili cook-off and bake-off. We gather after church and sample all the chilis and sweets and vote on our favorite. All are welcome to enter the contest or if you prefer there is always enough, and we need more voters so you don’t have to bring anything to come. Just before this will be our worship service at 10:00 a.m.
Join our cluster churches for a worship service led by lay members and a soup dinner afterwards. Sylvia Laidig is offering the sermon. Let’s worship with our siblings in Christ throughout the Illinois Valley Cluster and enjoy eating together as well.
Come as you are and join us for multi-generational relaxed traditional worship service. If you want to join us online for worship, go to the MCC page linked below and you will find us live. You don’t need a Facebook account to join us. A prompt will come up asking if you’d like to join but just push the button “not now”.